ODONTODIGITAL: We offer treatments on the vanguard of international odontology. All our techniques are 100 % aesthetic. Cosmetic changes are tailored to ensure exact color matches and perfect shape that blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth. Finally, you will notice that it will be very difficult to detect any difference between any newly restored tooth and your natural teeth.
We are high technology office, with digital x-rays, anesthetic without needle. We offer a carefully (SELECT) ed group of dental services: emergency, Porcelain veneers, replace silver filling for white restorations, digital x- ray, root canal, deep cleaning, dental implants, loose teeth, bleeding gingival, repairing partial acrylic in 1 hour, dental whitening in 1 hour, and more. We speak English, Italian and Portuguese. We are located in 319 Schell Avenue, suite 606 Miraflores, telephone 4476153, cellphone 991216060 or local call from USA: 856-3226329 or visit odontodigital .com
ODONTODIGITAL: We are high technology office, with digital x-rays, anesthetic without needle. We offer a carefully (SELECT) ed group of dental services: emergency, Porcelain veneers, replace silver filling for white restorations, digital x- ray, root canal, deep cleaning, dental implants, loose teeth, bleeding gingival, repairing partial acrylic in 1 hour, dental whitening in 1 hour, and more. We speak English, Italian and Portuguez. E mail: drcuevadontodigital .com
We are located in 319 Schell Avenue, suite 606 Miraflores, telephone 4476153, cellphone 991216060 or local call from USA: 856-3226329 or visit odontodigital .com
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