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BUSCO TRABAJO,Considero que todas las ofertas

Localización: Lima-Peru

BUSCO trabajo, Considero que todas las ofertas.

I am Dutch , 45, looking younger, speak Dutch and English perfect, German and Polish good, learning Spanish.

I was 20 years self employed in the Netherlands,

and my specialities are broadminded.

I can Support you with English lessons, support in oral and writing.

Knitter gardines, drywall systems as own company and as manager,,

construction as own company and as manager, cleaning company and "turn key projects" as owner and as manager, Cafeteria as owner and as manager, delivering personal services.. personal assistant, company advices, marketing, good manual skills, adult presentation, Hostelity, all kind of home works and some more.

i am openminded and want to learn everything,

I can undertake projects and manage them, I live

in Miraflores, and i'm looking for short or long term, i will take all projects in consideration. for contacts write to my E-mail




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  • Anuncio: 3300
  • 2009-08-19 20:52:20

Publicado en LIMA

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