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Equipos de Ecógrafia Color Doppler 3D

....Ahora su computadora sera su ecografo .....


presenta su ecografos portatiles que se conectan a su computadora

personal o laptop, haciendolos ultra livianos y los puede llevar a

donde usted lo requiera. Cuentan con entradas hasta para dos

transductores, y se conectan a su laptop o PC via USB. Todos nuestros

ecografos tienen color doppler y 3D freehand. Elija el modelo que mas

se ajusta a sus necesidades. Nuestros ecografos utilizan la potencia y

capacidad de su laptop personal para proporcionarles las mejores

imagenes ecograficas.

Su Computadora..... ecografos color doppler 3D laptop de CISMEDICA....Ahora es su ecografo


Ecógrafo Echo Blaster 64 EXT-1T – de 64 elementos color doppler 3D

Precio: $ 13,000 dolares

Ecógrafo Echo Blaster 128 EXT-1T – de 128 elementos color doppler 3D

Precio: $ 15,000 dolares

Cada modelo incluye: 2 transductores de su eleccion

Beamformer Echo Blaster EXT-1T (ecografo)

Caja de Transductor con un puerto (ecografo)

USB cable

100~240 VAC, 50~60 Hz power supply (UL2601, CSA601, TUV/IEC 601-1 certified)


Software (CD-ROM) color doppler 3D


ecografos color doppler 3D cismedicaecografos color doppler 3D cismedica




Ecógrafo Echo Blaster 64 EXT-2T – de 64 elementos color doppler 3D

Precio: $ 14,500 dolares

Ecógrafo Echo Blaster 128 EXT-2T – de 128 elementos color doppler 3D

Precio: $ 15,900 dolares

Cada modelo incluye: 2 transductores de su eleccion

Beamformer Echo Blaster EXT-2T (ecografo)

Caja de Transductor con dos puertos (ecografo)

USB cable

100~240 VAC, 50~60 Hz power supply (UL2601, CSA601, TUV/IEC 601-1 certified)


Software (CD-ROM) color doppler 3D



Imaging Modes

Ultrasound imaging

  • B
  • B+B
  • 4B
  • B+M
  • M

  • ultrasound image size: automatically adjustable to screen resolution
  • gray scale: 256
  • full

    motion and full size real-time ultrasound imaging, up to 120 fps

    (depends on selected scan depth, scan angle, focus mode, High Line

    Density setting, computer speed)
  • cineloop recording/play: several thousands frames (depends on computer memory size and scan mode)
  • zoom mode: from 60% to 600% in all modes (Scan, Freeze, B, B+B, 4B, M-zoom, cineloop and etc)
  • viewing area variable for frame rate maximizing: 6 steps
  • "FREEZE" mode

Scanning Method

  • electronic linear
  • electronic convex
  • electronic microconvex
  • scanning depth: 3-24 cm



  • 16-channel analog beamformer
  • digital transmit focusing
  • multi focus mode:

    • transmit/receive focusing, max 4 points;
    • programmable focus area presets

  • 64 elements probes (the list of compatible probes see here):

    • from 2,0 MHz to 7,5 MHz
    • multifrequency

  • automatic probe recognition



  • mouse / trackball / keyboard operation
  • image and video save / load

    • AVI
    • JPG
    • BMP
    • PNG
    • TIF

  • unlimited programmable presets for clinically specific imaging
  • anatomical icons with probe position indicator
  • the set of predefined skin schemes for software interface
  • direct e-mail sending function with image or video attachment via Internet
  • printing on system printer
  • user-friendly pop-up menus and dialogue boxes
  • standard TV output using computer's display adapter (option)

  • TGC Control, 5 sliders
  • dynamic range control
  • overall gain control
  • M - mode sweep speed control
  • acoustic power control
  • variable frame averaging
  • brightness, contrast
  • advanced gamma control: 8 fixed curves, 8 user defined (custom)
  • scan direction, rotation, up-down controls
  • negative / positive control
  • bi-linear interpolation
  • echo enhancement control
  • noise rejection function
  • speckle reduction function PureView

General Measurements and Calculations

Human Measurements and Calculations Packages

B mode general measurements and calculations

  • Distance
  • Length (method: 1 trace)
  • Area, Circumference (methods: 1 ellipse, 1 trace, 1 distance)
  • Volume (methods: 1 distance, 2 distances, 3 distances, 1 ellipse)
  • Angle (methods: 2 distances, 3 distances)
  • Stenosis % (methods: 2 distances, 2 ellipse or trace areas)
  • A/B Ratio (methods: 2 distances, 2 ellipse or trace areas, 2 ellipse or trace circumferences)
  • M mode general measurements and calculations

    • Distance, Time, Velocity
    • Heart Rate (methods: 1 beat, 2 beats)
    • Stenosis % (method: 2 distances)
    • A/B Ratio (methods: 2 distances, 2 times, 2 velocities)

  • Human General calculations package

    • Measurements: the same as general measurements of different modes (B, M, PW)
    • Calculations: BSA via Height and Weight, BSA via Weight
    • PW

      mode calculations: HR, SV using Flow Area, SV using Flow Diameter, SI,

      CO, CI, Area calculation using Continuity Equation (methods: Area and

      VTI, Area and Velocity, Diameter and VTI, Diameter and Velocity,

      Velocity Ratio (S/D, D/S), dP:dt, Flow Volume (methods: Diameter,

      Area), PHT, MVA

  • Human Obstetrics / Gynecology (OB / GYN) calculations package

    • Measurements:

      LMP (entered or from calendar), AC, BPD, FL, HC, FTA, AAPD, ATD, TAPD,

      TTD, CRL, GS, HL, TL, UL, OFD, BOD, Cereb, Clav, Rad
    • Estimated date of birth (EDD) calculations: EDD(LMP), EDD(GA), EDD(AUA)
    • Ratios: FL / AC, FL / HC, FL / BPD, HC / AC, CI
    • Estimated

      Fetal Weight (EFW) calculations: EFW(AC), EFW(AC,BPD), EFW(AC,FL),



    • Selected EFW values are used for calculation of Average EFW
    • Gestational

      Age (GA) calculations: GA(AC), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(FL), GA(GS),

      GA(HC), GA(HL), GA(OFD), GA(TL), GA(UL), GA(HC/AC), GA(FTA),GA(ATD),

      GA(TAPD), GA(TTD), GA(BOD), GA(Cereb), GA(Clav)
    • Fetal

      Growth estimation (trending): AC(GA), BPD(GA), CRL(GA), FL(GA), GS(GA),

      HC(GA), HL(GA), OFD(GA), TL(GA), UL(GA), [FL/AC](GA), [FL/HC](GA),


      Cereb(GA), Rad(GA), Clav(GA)
    • Selected Growth Tables are visualized as Fetal Growth Curves
    • Software supports unlimited number of user-defined Growth Tables

  • Human Gynecology (GYN)

    • Measurements: length, height, width of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
    • Calculations: volumes of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles

  • Human Abdominal exam measurements and calculations

    • Liver: Volume (CC, AP, LL diameters)
    • Gallbladder: Volume, Wall Thickness, Extrahepatic Bile Duct (EBD), Common Bile Duct (CBD), Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
    • Pancreas: Head Diameter, Body Diameter, Tail Diameter, Pancreatic Duct Head, Pancreatic Duct Body
    • Spleen: Volume (length, width, thickness)
    • Gastrointestinal Tract: Appendix Wall Thickness, Appendix Diameter, Bowel Wall Thickness (at Stomach, Small Bowel, Large Bowel)
    • Urinary Bladder: Volume (length, height, width)
    • Right / Left Kidney: Volume (length, height, width), Pelvis Diameter

  • Human Urology

    • Measurements: length, height, width of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes
    • Calculations: volumes of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes; RUV (Residual Urine Volume)

  • Human Endocrinology

    • Measurements: length, width, thickness of thyroid lobes
    • Calculations: volumes thyroid lobes; volume of thyroid

  • Human Vascular exam measurements and calculations

    • Distance

      and area -based stenosis calculations at left (right) Subclavian, CCA

      (Common Carotid Artery), Bulb, ICA (Internal Carotid Artery), ECA

      (External Carotid Artery), Vertebral vessels at proximal, middle,

      distal locations
    • PSV/EDV (Peak Systole Velocity / End Diastole Velocity) ratios for each vessel and location
    • Ratios


      PSV/CCA PSV, ECA EDV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA EDV at Rt. (Lt.) Prox. (Mid.,

      Dist.) locations

  • Human Cardiology

    • Software

      supports the following measurements of Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve,

      Left Atrial: IVSd (Interventricular Septal Thickness, diastole), LVIDd

      (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, diastole), LVPWd (Left Ventricle

      Posterior Wall Thickness, diastole), AOd (Aortic Root Dimension,

      diastole), IVSs (Interventricular Septal Thickness, systole), LVIDs

      (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, systole), LVPWs (Left Ventricle

      Posterior Wall Thickness, systole), LADs (Left Atrial Dimension,

    • Calculations: HR (Heart Rate), BSA

      (Body surface Area), Left ventricle volume (methods: Cubed, Teichholz,

      Gibson), SV (Stroke Volume), SI (Stroke Volume Index), EF (Ejection

      Fraction), CO (Cardiac Output), CI (Cardiac Index), STIVS

      (Interventricular Shortening), FS (Fractional Shortening), STPW

      (Posterior Wall Shortening), LVM (Left Ventricle Cardiac Mass), CMI

      (Cardiac Mass Index), LA/AO Ratio

Veterinary Calculations Packages

  • Canine OB

    • Measurements: GS, CRL, HD, BD
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(BD), GA(CRL), GA(GS), GA(HD)

  • Feline OB

    • Measurements: HD, BD
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(BD), GA(HD)

  • Ovine OB

    • Measurements: CRL
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(CRL)

  • Bovine OB

    • Measurements: BD, CRL, HD, UD
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(BD), GA(CRL), GA(HD), GA(UD)

  • Equine OB

    • Measurements: AOD, BPD, CRL, EOD, GS
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(AOD), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(EOD), GA(GS)

  • Llama OB

    • Measurements: BPD
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(BPD)

  • Goat OB

    • Measurements: BPD
    • Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(BPD) for different species

  • Animal Cardiology

    • Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Left Atrial measurements: IVSd, LVIDd, LVPWd, AOd, IVSs, LVIDs, LVPWs, LADs
    • Calculations: HR, LV volume (Cubed, Teichholz, Gibson), SV, EF, CO,

  • Human/Veterinary

    OB Gyn packages: software supports unlimited number of user-defined GA

    tables, selected GA values are used for calculation of Average GA

    (Average Ultrasound Age - AUA).
  • Human/Veterinary

    Cardiology measurements package automatically displays hint images that

    show where and how appropriate measurements must be performed.


Los Ecografos Eco Blaster de 64 y 128 elementos poseen un poderoso

Software Color Doppler 3D

Tipos de Transductores



Color Doppler 3D LOGIC SCAN

....Ahora su computadora sera su ecografo .....


Ecógrafo: Logic Scan 64 Super Color Doppler 3D

Precio: 15,000 dólares


2 transductores, caja de un puerto para transductor




Ecógrafo: Logic Scan 128 Super Color Doppler 3D

Precio: 19,900 dólares


2 transductores, caja con dos puertos para transductores




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  • Anuncio: 1176
  • 2008-11-02 23:05:44

Publicado en LIMA

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